Critical Theory and New Materialisms
Hartmut Rosa & Christoph Henning & Arthur Bueno
马修·德斯蒙德 著
Class and the Uses of Poetry: Symbolic Enclosures
Andrew Smith
罗马元老院与人民: 一部古罗马史- (2018)
[英] 玛丽·比尔德
汗青堂 (0)
Understanding Computers and Cognition:A New Foundation for Design
Terry Winograd & Fernando Flores
The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity, and the Secret ...
David Graeber
Talking About Machines: An Ethnography of a Modern Job
Julian E. Orr
DiY Culture: Party and Protest in Nineties' Britain
George McKay
New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics
Diana Coole & Samantha Frost
The Government of Things
The Salaried Masses:Duty and Distraction in Weimar Germany
Siegfried Kracauer & Quintin Hoare
大衛.格雷伯(David Graeber)