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Kristen Haring
凤凰文库·设计理论研究系列 (1)
做文化研究: 随身听的故事
斯图尔特·霍尔 & 琳达·琼斯 & 安德斯·科德·马德森 & 休·马凯 & 杨婷 & 保罗·杜盖伊
新闻传播学前沿译丛 (1)
黃應貴,陳文德 主編
NC新世紀的社會與文化 (0)
[澳]麦肯齐·沃克 & 姜昊骞
The Age of Wire and String
Marcus, Ben
Alien Phenomenology, or What It's Like to Be a Thing (Posthumanities)
Ian Bogost
Analog Days:The Invention and Impact of the Moog Synthesizer
Trevor Pinch & Frank Trocco
The Anthropology of Time
Alfred Gell
Explorations in Anthropology (47)
The Apple II Age:How the Computer Became Personal
Laine Nooney
The Arc and the Machine: Narrative and the New Media
Caroline Bassett
Art and Agency:An Anthropological Theory
Assetization:Turning Things Into Assets in Technoscientific ...
Kean Birch & Fabian Muniesa
The Authority of Everyday Objects:A Cultural History of West ...
Paul Betts & 保罗·贝茨
Weimar and Now: German Cultural Criticism (10)
Behind the Startup:How Venture Capital Shapes Work, Innovation, ...
Benjamin Shestakofsky
Blackwell 社会理论指南
Blind Spots:critical theory and the history of art in twentieth-century ...
Schwartz, Frederic J.
Bloody Murder: From the Detective Story to the Crime Novel
Julian Symons
The Body; The Key Concepts; Second Edition
Lisa Blackman
Care in Practice:On Tinkering in Clinics, Homes and Farms
Annemarie Mol & Ingunn Moser
Care: Reflections on Who We Are
Todd May
A Catalogue of Crime
Jacques Barzun & Wendell Hertig Taylor
The Cheese and the Worms
Carlo Ginzburg
The City and the Senses: Urban Culture Since 1500
Dr Alexander Cowan & Dr Jill Steward
Class and the Uses of Poetry: Symbolic Enclosures
Andrew Smith
The Closed World:Computers and the Politics of Discourse in ...
Paul N. Edwards
Coercion, Capital and European States, A.D.990-1990
Charles Tilly
Cognition in Practice: Mind, Mathematics and Culture in Everyday ...
Jean Lave
Computation and Human Experience
Agre, Philip
Computers as Theatre
Brenda Laurel
The Contentious French
Counterfactuals and Causal Inference
Stephen L. Morgan,Christopher Winship
Analytical Methods for Social Research (0)
Cracking the Bro Code
Coleen Carrigan
The Craft Reader
Glenn Adamson
Crap:A History of Cheap Stuff in America
Wendy A. Woloson
Crime Fiction, 1800–2000: Detection, Death, Diversity
Stephen Knight
Critical Theory and New Materialisms
Hartmut Rosa & Christoph Henning & Arthur Bueno
The CRPG Book Project
Felipe Pepe
Cræft: An Inquiry Into the Origins and True Meaning of Traditional ...
Alexander Langlands
Cybernetics and the Origin of Information
Raymond Ruyer
Cybernetics for the 21st Century:Vol.1 Epistemological Reconstruction
Yuk Hui
Data Lives:How Data Are Made and Shape Our World
Rob Kitchin
Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon (Game Histories)
Henry Lowood & Raiford Guins
The Delights of Detection
Jacques Barzun
The Design of Everyday Life
Elizabeth Shove & Matthew Watson & Jack Ingram & Martin Hand
Designing Pleasurable Products: An introduction to the new human ...
Patrick W. Jordan
Digit Apollo: Human and Machine in Spaceflight
David A Mindell
Digital Fabrication in Interior Design;Body, Object, Enclosure
Jonathon Anderson & Lois Weinthal
Digital Media Ecologies
Sy Taffel
Digital Rubbish: A Natural History of Electronics
Gabrys, Jennifer
The Digital Sublime:Myth, Power, and Cyberspace
Vincent Mosco
digitalSTS:A Field Guide for Science & Technology Studies
Janet Vertesi (edt) & David Ribes (edt)
Dinge Und Undinge
Vilém Flusser & Florian Rötzer
The Disposition of Nature:Environmental Crisis and World Literature
Jennifer Wenzel
Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste (Routledge ...
Pierre Bourdieu
Distributed Objects
Liana Chua & Mark Elliott
DiY Culture: Party and Protest in Nineties' Britain
George McKay
DiY WiFi: Re-Imagining Connectivity
K. Jungnickel
Down to Earth
Bruno Latour
Dream Worlds: Mass Consumption in Late Nineteenth Century France
Rosalind H. Williams