Material World: The Six Raw Materials That Shape Modern Civilization
Ed Conway
Thinking Through Craft
Adamson, Glenn
The Arc and the Machine: Narrative and the New Media
Caroline Bassett
Digital Media Ecologies
Sy Taffel
The Proactionary Imperative: A Foundation for Transhumanism
Steve Fuller & Veronika Lipińska
Humanity 2.0: What it Means to be Human Past, Present and Future
Steve Fuller
Love In The Time Of Cholera
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Down to Earth
Bruno Latour
A Return to the Object
Susanne Kuechler, Timothy Carroll
Criminal Practice (1)
Distributed Objects
Liana Chua & Mark Elliott
The Anthropology of Time
Alfred Gell
Explorations in Anthropology (47)
Art and Agency:An Anthropological Theory
Mortality, Immortality and Other Life Strategies
Zygmunt Bauman
Prince of Networks:Bruno Latour and Metaphysics
Graham Harman
What Things Do:Philosophical Reflections on Technology, Agency, ...
Peter-Paul Verbeek & Crease, Robert
[荷兰] 彼得·保罗·维贝克 & 闫宏秀 & 杨庆峰
The Government of Things
[英]雷·布拉西耶 & 聂世昌
拜德雅·人文丛书 (1)
[法]让-弗朗索瓦·利奥塔 & 夏小燕
Hyperobjects:Phil[..] and Ecology after the End of the World
Timothy Morton
Posthumanities (1)
What if Culture Was Nature All Along?
Vicki Kirby
New Materialisms: Ontology, Agency, and Politics
Diana Coole & Samantha Frost
What Use is Sociology?
Bauman, Zygmunt; Jacobsen, Michael Hviid; Tester, Keith
[英]蒂姆·英戈尔德 & 周云水 & 陈祥
人文社会科学为什么重要 (1)
The City and the Senses: Urban Culture Since 1500
Dr Alexander Cowan & Dr Jill Steward
Sensual relations: engaging the senses in culture and social ...
David, Howes,
The Authority of Everyday Objects:A Cultural History of West ...
Paul Betts & 保罗·贝茨
Weimar and Now: German Cultural Criticism (10)
The German Werkbund:the Politics of Reform in the Applied Arts
Joan Campbell
Blind Spots:critical theory and the history of art in twentieth-century ...
Schwartz, Frederic J.
Lorraine Daston & Peter Galison
Programmed Visions:Software and Memory
Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
Software Studies (1)
The Interface Effect
Alexander R. Galloway
Interface Culture:How New Technology Transforms the Way We Create ...
Steven A. Johnson
Time Without Becoming
Quentin Meillassoux
Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology
Wayne Brekhus & Gabe Ignatow
In the Midst of Things: The Social Lives of Objects in the Public ...
Mike Owen Benediktsson
Organism-Oriented Ontology
Audronė Žukauskaitė
Care: Reflections on Who We Are
Todd May
digitalSTS:A Field Guide for Science & Technology Studies
Janet Vertesi (edt) & David Ribes (edt)
从卡夫卡到昆德拉: 20世纪的小说和小说家
進出「結構--行動」的困境: 與當代西方社會學理論論述對話
The Body; The Key Concepts; Second Edition
Lisa Blackman
研究的方法: 如何找到对你和全世界都有意义的研究项目
Thomas Shawn Mullaney & Christopher G. Rea
西方电子与计算机音乐史: 电子、数字科技影响下的西方音乐
The Tame and the Wild
Marcy Norton;
社会科学学术写作规范与技巧: 如何撰写论文和著作
贝克尔 & 理查兹
The Global Rules of Art: The Emergence and Divisions of a Cultural ...
Larissa Buchholz
Philosophy of Social Science: The Philosophical Foundations ...
Ted Benton
How Users Matter: The Co-Construction of Users and Technologies
Nelly Oudshoorn & Trevor J. Pinch
DiY WiFi: Re-Imagining Connectivity
K. Jungnickel
Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction
Paul Dourish
Everyday Engineering
Vinck, Dominique.; Blanco, Eric
DiY Culture: Party and Protest in Nineties' Britain
George McKay
Talking About Machines: An Ethnography of a Modern Job
Julian E. Orr
Ham Radio's Technical Culture
Kristen Haring