杨善华 编
OFFLINE · 人造声音
The Mass Ornament:Weimar Essays
Siegfried Kracauer & Thomas Y. Levin
The Social Life of Money
Nigel Dodd
Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation
Silvia M. Lindtner
Instruments and the Imagination
Thomas L. Hankins & Robert J. Silverman
The German Werkbund:the Politics of Reform in the Applied Arts
Joan Campbell
In the Midst of Things: The Social Lives of Objects in the Public ...
Mike Owen Benediktsson
digitalSTS:A Field Guide for Science & Technology Studies
Janet Vertesi (edt) & David Ribes (edt)
The Global Rules of Art: The Emergence and Divisions of a Cultural ...
Larissa Buchholz
Middle Tech: Software Work and the Culture of Good Enough
Paula Bialski