[德] 诺曼·奥勒
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OFFLINE · 极客厨房 · 日本家庭料理
OFFLINE · 特德·姜的语言学和哲学
布魯諾.拉圖,Bruno Latour
Everyday Engineering
Vinck, Dominique.; Blanco, Eric
Leonardo's Laptop:Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies
Ben Shneiderman
How Users Matter: The Co-Construction of Users and Technologies
Nelly Oudshoorn & Trevor J. Pinch
Proxies: The Cultural Work of Standing In
Dylan Mulvin
The Digital Sublime:Myth, Power, and Cyberspace
Vincent Mosco
Digit Apollo: Human and Machine in Spaceflight
David A Mindell
Media Technologies:Essays on Communication, Materiality, and ...
Tarleton Gillespie & Pablo J. Boczkowski, & Kirsten A. Foot
Alexander R Galloway
Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction
Paul Dourish
How Artifacts Afford: The Power and Politics of Everyday Things
Jenny L. Davis
Rebecca Coleman
Cracking the Bro Code
Coleen Carrigan
Assetization:Turning Things Into Assets in Technoscientific ...
Kean Birch & Fabian Muniesa
Programmed Visions:Software and Memory
Wendy Hui Kyong Chun
Software Studies (1)